Start today to become part of the Largest Virtual Service network in the USA.
Reptile Veterinarian
Video Chat A Pro is seeking licensed Reptile Veterinarians to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to diagnose and care for their sick reptiles. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional large animal vets to help livestock owners all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a licensed reptile veterinarian, friendly, professional, polite, and knowledgeable in reptile illnesses, care, medications, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively help their reptile pets.
To succeed in this position, you must do video calls with clients and stay up to date with your veterinarian licenses.
Livestock Veterinarian
Video Chat A Pro is seeking licensed Livestock Veterinarians to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to diagnose and care for their sick livestock. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional large animal vets to help livestock owners all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a licensed large animal veterinarian, friendly, professional, polite, and knowledgeable in large animal illnesses, care, medications, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively help their pets.
To succeed in this position, you must do video calls with clients and stay up to date with your veterinarian licenses.
Small Animal Veterinarian
Video Chat A Pro is seeking licensed Small Animal Veterinarians to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to diagnose and care for their sick pets. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional small animal vets to help pet owners all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a licensed small animal vet, friendly, professional, polite, and knowledgeable in animal illnesses, care, medications, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively help their pets.
To succeed in this position, you must do video calls with clients and stay up to date with your veterinarian licenses.
Race Car Chassis Builder
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Race Car Chassis builders to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on the chassis of a race car. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional race car chassis fabricators to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional race car chassis mechanic, friendly, professional, polite, knowledgeable in performance chassis upgrade parts, and knowledgeable about chassis repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their race car chassis.
To succeed in this position, you must do video calls with clients and stay up to date with race cars.
Motorcycle Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Motorcycle Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their road bikes. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional motorcycle repair mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional street bike repair mechanic, friendly, professional, polite, knowledgeable in motorcycle upgrade parts, and knowledgeable about motorcycle repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their street bikes and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with motorcycle brands and models.
Dirt Bike Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Dirt Bike Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their snowmobiles. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional dirt bike repair mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional dirt bike repair mechanic, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in dirt bike upgrade parts, and Knowledgeable about dirt bike repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their dirt bikes and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with dirt bike brands and models.
Small Engine Repair Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Small Engine Repair Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their snowmobiles. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional small engine repair mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional small engine repair mechanic, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in small engine parts, and Knowledgeable about small engine equipment repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their equipment that has a small engine and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with small equipment brands and models.
Snowmobile Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Snowmobile Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their snowmobiles. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional Snowmobile mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional Snowmobile mechanic, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in snowmobile parts, and Knowledgeable about snowmobile repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their snowmobile and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with snowmobile brands and models.
ATV Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced ATV Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their ATVs. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional UTV mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional ATV mechanic, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in ATV parts, and Knowledgeable about ATV repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their ATV and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with ATV brands and models.
UTV Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced UTV Mechanics to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients how to work on their UTVs. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows professional UTV mechanics to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional UTV mechanic, Friendly, Professional, Polite, Knowledgeable about parts, Knowledgeable about UTV repairs, maintenance, and more.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively work on their UTV and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with UTV brands and models.
SEO Marketing Professional
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced SEO marketing professionals to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about search engine optimization. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows expert SEO marketing professionals to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a professional SEO, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in MSL Preparations, and Knowledgeable with Real Estate Transactions.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively optimize an online publication and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with SEO marketing.
Real Estate Agents
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Real Estate Agents to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about real estate. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows certified real estate agents to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is free to join, and you can work from anywhere. You can change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be a Licensed Realtor, Friendly, Professional, and Polite, Knowledgeable in MSL Preparations, and Knowledgeable with Real Estate Transactions.
You must be willing to provide instructions to clients on how to effectively buy and sell real estate, and more.
To succeed in this position, you must perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with the real estate market.
Tax Accountant CPA
Video Chat A Pro is seeking experienced Tax Accountant CPAs to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about taxes. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows certified tax accountants to help consumers all over the country.
As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people like you every day.
It is Free to join
You can Work from anywhere and change your schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be directly deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Experienced with taxes
Friendly, Professional, and Polite
Knowledgeable in Tax Preparations
Knowledgeable with Tax Laws
Willing to Provide Instructions to Clients on How to Effectively File Taxes, Classify Expenses, and more.
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with the tax code.
Performance Automotive Tuner
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking experienced Automotive Tuners to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about tuning performance engines. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows Automotive Tuners to help consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills.
Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people every day.
Free to join
Work from anywhere and set your own schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be Directly Deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Experienced with automotive Tuning Software and Stand-Alone Engine Management and EFI
Friendly, Professional, and Polite
Knowledgeable in Automotive Engine Tuning
Knowledgeable with Chassis Tuning
Willing to Provide Instructions to Clients on How to Effectively Tune a Performance Vehicle.
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with tuning software, engines, and chassis.
Facebook Ads Specialist
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking experienced Facebook Ads Specialists to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about Facebook ads. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows Facebook Ads Specialists to help consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills.
Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people every day.
Free to join
Work from anywhere and set your own schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be Directly Deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Experienced with Facebook Ads
Friendly, Professional, and Polite
Knowledgeable in Facebook marketing
Knowledgeable with Facebook analytics
Willing to Provide Instructions to Clients on How to Effectively Create, Manage, and Optimize Facebook Ads.
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with the Facebook/Meta advertising platform.
Criminal Lawyer
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking certified Criminal Lawyers to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about criminal law. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows Criminal Defense Attorney’s to help consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients to benefit from your specific skills.
Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people every day.
Free to join
Work from anywhere and set your own schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be Direct Deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Certified to practice
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in Criminal Law
Knowledgeable in Criminal Court Proceedings
Willing to Provide Instructions to Clients on How to Properly Represent themselves in the Court of Law.
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with Laws Pertaining to crime.
Google Ads Specialist
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking certified Google Ads Specialists to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about Google Ads. You will earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self-educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data.
The Platform allows Google Ads Specialists to help do it yourself consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro, you can provide consultation and teach clients your specific skills.
Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people every day.
Free to join
Work from anywhere and set your own schedule to work when you want.
Earnings are released to be Direct Deposited into your account after each video call.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Certified to practice
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in Paid Ads on Google
Knowledgeable in Marketing and Advertising
Willing to Provide Instructions to Clients on How to Manage Google Ads
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally perform video calls with clients and stay up to date with Google Ads platforms.
Performance Engine Builder
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking experienced automotive engine builders to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about engine assembly and more. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data.
The Platform allows engine builders to help do it yourself consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro you can provide consultation and teach clients your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people everyday.
It is Free to join
Set your own schedule and work when you want!
Earnings are Direct Deposited into your account.
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Certified to practice Friendly,
Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in Performance Automotive
Knowledgeable in Engine Assembly
Willing to Provide Engine Building Advice on a Video Chat
To succeed in this position, you must: Professionally Perform Video Calls with Clients Stay up to date with Contract Law Provide Your Own Legal Library to Research From
Contract Lawyer
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking certified Contract Lawyers to answer questions and provide answers to teach clients about contract law. Earn money while performing video calls with clients who want to self educate. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Platform allows Attorney's to help do it yourself consumers all over the country. As a Pro on Video Chat A Pro you can provide consultation and teach clients your specific skills. Clients pay for information, guidance, and instructions from skilled people everyday.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Certified to practice
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in Contract Law
Knowledgeable in Court Proceedings
Willing to Provide Virtual Legal Advice
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform Video Calls with Clients
Stay up to date with Contract Law
Provide Your Own Legal Library to Research From
Outside Sales Representative
Video Chat A Pro Inc.
We are seeking highly motivated B2B salespeople. We have many inquiries that need to be attended to, you could possibly start making sales today. We provide prospects and the path to close sales all over America.
As a business support representative, you will be responsible for establishing and maintaining good relationships with home and auto repair businesses in a chosen territory. You will provide support for local plumbing contractors, electrical repair contractors, appliance repair contractors, handyman contractors, auto repair mechanic shops, heating and air conditioning repair contractors, and landscapers to implement Video Chat A Pro into their business. You will provide service to help the business capitalize on the potential to generate more profit using the services we provide. You will take the information we provide and relay it to the businesses in your territory to better serve the customers in their local areas by using many different channels to reach out to them.
• Conduct calls and face-to-face Video Chat meetings with customers daily
• Build and maintain relationships with new and repeat customers
• Maintain records of all sales leads and/or customer accounts and turn them into the office on time
• Educate customers on how products or services can benefit their business financially and professionally
• Encourage engagement daily with Video Chat A Pro products or services to businesses within your given territory
• Learn the business's specific problems to introduce Video Chat A Pro to fit its needs
• Work closely with the marketing department to introduce Video Chat A Pro consistently
Outside Sales Representative Salary
Salary is 30% commission queued to be paid weekly as your goals are met to be deposited the following week, by-weekly from sell to deposit.
The commission is directly deposited into your account and you are responsible for your own taxes.
The commission is reoccurring each month your customer renews to use Video Chat A Pro and is only payable until departure from position
We provide structured sales goal suggestions and provide accurate data to show compensation
The commission is paid for business subscriptions only and does not include video chat usage
Commission: 30% in commission paid direct deposit by-weekly
Outside Sales Representative Education, Skills, and Experience
Outside sales representatives should have an Associate degree or a bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, economics, communications, and/or any equivalent education that demonstrates expertise in customer engagement.
Having a well-developed phone presence and a high comfort level in initiating conversations is essential to fulfilling the daily duties of an outside sales representative. Aside from a social and positive personality, outside sales representatives must be self-starters and proactive problem solvers, since not every day is the same and the workplace setting is constantly changing.
We offer in-house training and skill-building tools to help your overall performance in the marketplace.
Key Characteristics of an Outside Video Chat Pro Service Sales Representative:
1. Strong interpersonal skills
2. Self-starter
3. Detail-oriented
4. Willing to work independently
5. Always team-focused
6. Technology friendly
What Do Our Outside Sales Representatives Do?
The daily routine of our outside sales representatives varies from day to day; representatives may not always be meeting with the same client or in the same place or even selling the same product or service. You will need to build connections and sell the company’s products and services. A typical day could consist of a few calls in the morning to either potential customers or repeat customers. You will need to provide product training and customer support to the customers in your territory. You will need to complete a quick Video Chat training session to get started.
Being organized is the number one rule to being an effective outside sales representative - the day consists of discovery calls, research, product demos, follow-up calls, training, and much more. Although the title entails being in the field most of the time, the best representatives can manage both in-house and fieldwork. Examples listed below
You will need to update an excel file of the prospects you contact containing how you contacted them, the dates you contact them, who you spoke to, who you need to talk to, and the response you received.
You will need to build social networking into your sales path to promote yourself and what you are selling, to further engage the businesses you are attempting to work with.
You will need to participate in the company's Video Chat A Pro Orientation and attend Video Chat A Pro training sessions with sales team leaders, to check in and practice using the Video Chat A Pro Platform.
Our Product is a Business Listing on a Platform that allows monetized, scheduled Video Chat for Licensed Home Service and Automotive Service Shops to perform many functions of the business's day-to-day operations.
Services include
Business Listing on Video Chat A Pro Platform
The profile features 4- tier package prices,
Inbound scheduled paid monetized Video Chat Services
Outbound scheduled Video Chat based on packages
Powerful Link building abilities to promote the local company on first-page search results in front of lead generation companies for paid listings
Multiple employee login workstations to communicate within the team, or team member to customer callers
Archived Video Footage that is downloadable to be used as media content
Post a Job and recruit from our licensed pros on the platform
Perform onsite training with a schedule
Quality control inspections instantly when the technician finishes
Cost-effective path to provide free estimates no fuel, less time
Generate new customers' local SEO for business profiles
And more.
Contact Video Chat A Pro Inc today for information on how to join our team at
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking Licensed Plumbers to teach do it yourself homeowners. Earn money while performing Video Chat Services to homeowners that are stuck. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Video Chat Platform allows plumbers to help do it yourself consumers all over the country. As a Video Chat Pro you will never perform hands on repair at a consumers home. You are paid to aid the homeowner to successful completion of the plumbing project. You will be educating homeowners the proper methods to repair or replace plumbing in their homes.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
State Licensed to practice plumbing
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in the products of plumbing
Knowledgeable in the tools and materials used by plumbers
Knowledgeable of the terminology used to purchase materials
Knowledgeable of repair and replacement installation practices
Knowledgeable of safety precautions when performing plumbing
Willing to assist do it yourself homeowners perform plumbing safe and correct
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform Video Chat Services with homeowners
Educate do it yourself homeowners to successfully repair their home plumbing
Generate material lists with proper terminology for homeowners to purchase plumbing materials with minimal trips to the Home Improvement Store
HVAC Technician
Licensed HVAC Technicians Get Paid to Help Homeowners via Video Chat!
Video Chat A Pro Inc. is seeking licensed and certified HVAC technicians to teach DIY homeowners how to troubleshoot and repair their home heating and cooling systems. Earn money by providing live video chat guidance** to homeowners who are stuck on an HVAC project. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere with a phone and data connection.
Why Join Video Chat A Pro?
- Free to join – No upfront costs.
- Work from anywhere – Assist homeowners across the country.
- Set your own schedule – Work when it’s convenient for you.
- Get paid instantly – Secure direct deposits via Stripe.
- No hands-on repairs – You guide homeowners through the process remotely.
What You’ll Do:
- Help homeowners diagnose and fix common HVAC problems, such as:
- No heating or cooling- Guide them through thermostat settings, power checks, and resets.
- Frozen AC coils- Walk them through filter changes and airflow fixes.
- Clogged condensate drain lines- Instruct them how to clear blockages and prevent water damage.
- Furnace ignition issues- Assist with pilot light troubleshooting and flame sensor cleaning.
- Ductwork leaks & insulation problems- Teach them how to identify and seal leaks for better efficiency.
- Educate homeowners on proper repair and replacement methods to complete their HVAC projects successfully.
- Generate material lists using proper HVAC terminology to help homeowners purchase supplies efficiently.
- Ensure homeowners follow safety precautions while performing repairs.
- Licensed and certified HVAC technician with hands-on experience.
- Friendly, professional, and patient in guiding DIY homeowners.
- Strong knowledge of HVAC systems, tools, and materials.
- Ability to explain technical concepts in simple, easy-to-follow steps.
Start Earning for Sharing Your HVAC Expertise!
Sign up today and turn your knowledge into income by helping homeowners through live video chat. No in-home visits, you just give expert guidance on a video chat from wherever you are!
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking Licensed Electricians to teach do it yourself homeowners. Earn while performing Video Chat Services with do it yourself homeowners that are stuck. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Video Chat Platform allows electricians to help homeowners all over the country. As a Video Chat Pro you will never perform hands on electrical repairs in a home. You are paid to aid the homeowner to successful completion of the electrical project. You will be educating homeowners the proper methods to repair or replace Electrical in their homes.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
State Licensed to practice as an Electrician
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable of the products for home electrical
Knowledgeable in the tools and materials used by electrician
Knowledgeable of home electrical terminology used to purchase materials
Knowledgeable of home repair and replacement installation practices
Knowledgeable of safety precautions when performing electrical home repairs
Willing to teach do it yourself homeowners to perform safe and correct electrical home repairs
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform project specific Video Chat Services with homeowners
Educate do it yourself homeowners to successfully repair their homes electrical problems
Generate material lists with proper terminology for homeowners to purchase electrical materials with minimal trips to the Home Improvement store
Automotive Mechanic
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking ASE Certified Mechanic Automotive Technicians to teach the do it yourself auto community. Earn money while performing Video Chat Services to automobile owners that are stuck. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Video Chat Platform allows ASE Certified Mechanics to help automobile owners all over the country. As a Video Chat Pro you will never perform hands on automotive repairs for a consumer. You are paid to aid the automobile owner to successful completion of the automotive project. You will be educating do it yourself automotive people the proper methods to repair automobiles.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
ASE Certification to practice as an Automotive Technician
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable of the products for automobiles
Knowledgeable in the tools and materials used by automotive technician
Knowledgeable of automobile parts terminology used to purchase parts
Knowledgeable of automotive repairs and replacement installation practices
Knowledgeable of safety precautions when performing automotive repairs
Willing to teach do it yourself automobile owners to perform safe and correct automotive repairs
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform project specific Video Chat Services with automobile owners
Educate do it yourself automobile owners to successfully repair their automobiles
Generate material lists with proper terminology for automobile owners to purchase automotive parts with minimal trips to the automotive parts store
Landscape and Irrigation Technician
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking Licensed Landscape Irrigation Technicians to teach do it yourself homeowners. Earn money while performing Video Chat Services to do it yourself homeowners that are stuck. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Video Chat Platform allows Landscape irrigation technicians to teach homeowners all over the country. As a Video Chat Pro you will never perform hands on Landscape irrigation repairs at a homeowners property. You are paid to aid the do it yourself homeowner to successful completion of the Landscape Irrigation project. You will be educating do it yourself homeowners the proper methods to repair or replace Landscape Irrigation on their property.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Experienced with Landscaping and Irrigation
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable in the products of Landscape Irrigation
Knowledgeable in the tools and materials used by Landscape Irrigation Technicians
Knowledgeable of the terminology used to purchase Landscape Irrigation materials
Knowledgeable of Landscape Irrigation repair and replacement installation practices
Knowledgeable of safety precautions when performing Landscape Irrigation
Willing to assist homeowners to install or repair Landscaping and Irrigation safely and correctly
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform Video Chat Services with do it yourself homeowners
Educate homeowners to successfully repair their landscape irrigation
Generate material lists with proper terminology for homeowners to purchase landscape irrigation materials with minimal trips to the Landscape Irrigation store.
Appliance Repair Technician
Video Chat A Pro Inc, is seeking certified Appliance repair technicians to teach do it yourself homeowners. Earn money while performing Video Chat Services with do it yourself homeowners that are stuck. Set your own schedule and work from anywhere your phone has data. The Video Chat Platform allows appliance repair technicians to teach homeowners all over the country. As a Video Chat Pro you will never perform hands on appliance repairs in a home. You are paid to aid the do it yourself homeowner to successful completion of the appliance repair. You will be educating do it yourself homeowners the proper methods to repair or replace appliances in their homes.
Free to join
Work from anywhere
Set your own schedule, work when you want
Direct Deposit
To qualify to work as a Video Chat Pro, you must be:
Certified to practice as an Appliance Technician
Friendly, Professional and Polite
Knowledgeable of the products for home appliance repairs
Knowledgeable in the tools and materials used by appliance repair technicians
Knowledgeable of home appliance repair terminology used to purchase materials
Knowledgeable of home repair and replacement installation practices
Knowledgeable of safety precautions when performing appliance home repairs
Willing to assist do it yourself homeowners perform safe and correct appliance home repairs
To succeed in this position, you must:
Professionally Perform project specific Video Chat Services with homeowners
Educate do it yourself homeowners to successfully repair their appliances
Generate material lists with proper terminology for the homeowner to purchase appliance repair materials to prevent incorrect online parts purchases.