Lisa Jensen is a Video Chat criminal-defense-lawyer Lisa Jensen is a Video Chat criminal-defense-lawyer
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Lisa Jensen

Lawyer California Felonies

I've spent years defending clients charged with one or more felony criminal cases. I can walk you through the basic issues specific to felonies and give you a better idea of what you can expect when dealing with various felony matters, what defenses you may want to raise, and point you in the direction of useful resources where appropriate.

Criminal Record Cleanup in California

Already paid the price for a criminal conviction and now want to put it behind you? I can walk you through the process of trying to get your convictions expunged, what post-conviction relief does and does NOT accomplish, and help you avoid some of the common pitfalls that can discourage people in their pursuit of a fresh start.

Ask and Attorney About Appeals in California

I can help you figure out what you need to do to get an appeal started in a case if you did not get justice and want it reviewed. Timing, forms to fill out, and what to expect during an appeal are all issues you will want to be familiar with if this is something you are considering.

Talk to a Lawyer before California Restraining Order Hearings

Is someone harassing you and you do not feel safe because they've threatened you, hurt you, or are actively trying to destroy your life? Here in California, there is a process that non-lawyers can pursue that seeks to end their harassing contacts. I can explain the process, the forms you need to find and fill out, what is and is not usually considered grounds for a restraining order, the real-life concerns you might want to keep in mind during the process, and more.

California Lawyer to Ask about Diversion Options

Don't want to go to trial OR resolve your case? If you are a military veteran, have been or expect to be diagnosed with a qualifying mental health disorder, or are facing certain types of offenses eligible for diversion, we can talk about the process, the steps, the findings needed by the court, and the types of relief you may be eligible for if you're complying with a grant of diversion. In case you don't know what diversion is, it's where all parties involved agree that INSTEAD of actively seeking a resolution to the case, they leave it open and pending while you complete some steps and when you are successful, you are usually granted a dismissal and in some circumstances your record will even be sealed.

Ask a Lawyer Many Other Criminal Law Questions in CA

I've helped many Californians develop a variety of strategies to get better results in their cases, including ones that involved life-changing possible consequences. From special circumstances murder/torture cases and robberies all the way down to simply disturbing the peace or resisting an officer, almost every case has a unique approach that can be helped by good advice and consistent positive efforts on the part of the person facing charges. For criminal cases, I am able to give you targeted, helpful input without some of the stress and frustration experienced during intakes and expensive consultations. For general legal advice, I may not be able to offer advice in all areas, but I can usually point you in the right direction and give you tips on how to make sure the attorneys you're considering are going to focus their energy on YOUR INTERESTS, not just their payday.