Anthony Crain  is a Video Chat dirt-bike-mechanic Anthony Crain  is a Video Chat dirt-bike-mechanic

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Anthony Crain

Motocross Dirt Bike Set-up

Motocross dirt bikes set up is crucial for optimal riding. Ask me how to set up your motocross dirt bike to handle the jumps, whoops, and turns. Talk to a motocross dirt bike mechanic who knows about the best motocross riding gear to keep you safe. Show me you motocross dirt bike as we discuss dirt bike tire differences and which tires would best suit your riding style and terrain.

Motocross Dirt Bike Riding Tips

Ask a motocross dirt bike rider for tips on how to land the big jumps, gain positions in the corners, and how to float over the whoops with ease. Talk to me to learn tips on how to adjust your riding style to be more comfortable and promote proper breathing so you perform to your best on each ride.