Josh Bradley is a Video Chat plumbers Josh Bradley is a Video Chat plumbers

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Josh Bradley

Ask a Plumber

I am a licensed master plumber in CO who can give better answers to your questions when you show me on a video call. Book a call now to show me your plumbing problem so I can easily teach you how to do it properly. I can just answer plumbing questions or I can give detailed instructions as you are doing the repair. None the less you deserve to get the best answers to your questions about plumbing from a licensed plumber, period.

Talk to a Plumber for Water Heater Repairs

Ask me questions about any type of water heater to get the best answers to your questions. I have installed and repaired State, AO Smith, Rheem, Bradford White, American Craftsman, and other tank type water heaters. I am highly skilled at diagnosing and repairing tankless water heaters. I can help you understand the error codes and what you need to do to maintain or repair your tankless water heater. If you are looking for information about how to do water heater anything, You should book right now!

Plumber to Ask Questions About Toilets

I have been a plumber for over 20 years, of course I know a thing or two about toilets, lol! If you need to to learn how professional plumbers address problematic toilets, look no further because I am the best repair manual for how to toilet repairs on the planet! Book a video call so I can guide you to become the master toilet repairman your family your family can count on. Dippy leaky shut off valves are breeze for you to replace. With my guidance you won't forget to turn of the water and flood the whole bathroom, or forget to put a bucket under the toilet tank to catch the water when you disconnect the supply line from the fill valve. Book a video call with me so you can do the toilet repair or replacement properly today!

Ask a Plumber How to Remove a Bathroom Faucet

I am the plumber to ask how to remove a bathroom faucet from your counter top or sink. I have removed and installed over 100 bathroom faucets in the past 10 years easily. As a matter of fact I practically need a crane to pluck me out from under the cabinet because I am a rather large guy. I have removed and replaced 3 handle 8" wide spread faucets and 4" center set bathroom faucets for many years. I can teach you much better how to remove and install your bathroom faucet today!