Automobile Owners Pay to Book Video Chats with Mechanics

Mechanics Get Paid to Teach Auto Repair on Video Chats!

Are you a certified auto mechanic with years of hands-on experience? Do people always ask you for advice on diagnosing car issues, performing DIY repairs, or maintaining their vehicles? Now, you can monetize your expertise by offering live video consultations!

ASE Certified Mechanics Earn Money on Video Chat A Pro

Video Chat A Pro Inc. is a revolutionary platform that connects skilled auto repair professionals with people who need guidance on fixing, maintaining, and understanding their vehicles. Our easy-to-use APP lets you get paid to share your knowledge through video chats, on your terms.

Whether you’re a professional mechanic, shop owner, or mobile repair specialist, this platform gives you an extra revenue stream while helping car owners and future mechanics learn from the best.

How Instructing People on a Video Chat Works

Mechanics Instruct People to do All Types of Auto Repairs on Video Chats

As an expert mechanic, you can instruct clients on a variety of auto repair topics, including:

People Who Work on Cars Need Access to Your Auto Repair Expertise

Built-in SEO to Get Found on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Others.

Update Your Schedule Daily to Avoid Missing Video Calls

Mechanics Get Paid to Create Real World Auto Repair Content

Every consultation is a real-world learning experience that you can record, edit, and repurpose for social media, turning one-on-one guidance into future marketing opportunities.

Auto Repair Mechanics Enjoy Being Paid to Instruct People

Earn Money for instructing People How to Do Auto Repairs on Video Chats!

Signup and start earning money by teaching people how to fix their vehicles! No fees to join, just a great way to turn your skills into extra income.

Reviews of Video Chat A Pro
Very helpful, great service
Clay Erbes client
Video Chat Robin Kruskol
Great guy. Quick thoughtful answers!
Mark Schaaf client
Video Chat Robin Kruskol
More than helpful, walked me thru the steps I needed to take. Made the complex simple!
Collin Walker client
Video Chat Robin Kruskol
They showed up on time and did a good job. Thanks again.
Video Chat Can Do Plumbing
Great job 👍
Video Chat Can Do Plumbing
Knows his stuff. speaks clear and concise. Would definitely use him again
Jay Best client
Video Chat Clifton Pippin
Richard Estevez client
Video Chat Can Do Plumbing
Very knowledgeable and helpful. Got what I needed in an efficient timeframe
Brian Downs client
Video Chat Joshua duncan
That was great information, will put back together and see ya soon.
Jason Bauder client
Video Chat Mike Guerbo
worked great performing interview today
Video Chat Can Do Plumbing
Signup to Start Earning Today!
People need your help! The information they seek is better learned from an experienced, licensed, certified professional.
Build a profile today on Video Chat A Pro for a better oppurtunity tomorrow.