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AC Water Leak
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AC Water Leak

Have you found that your air conditioner has been dripping water? Most of the time, this is caused by dirty air conditioning filters or a poorly installed system. A tiny leak here and there is to be expected, but anything more than that is unacceptable. Do you need to know how to repair air conditioning? If you want to discover why your air conditioner can be leaking water, keep reading!

Why And How Does Moisture Form In Your Air Conditioner?

Both an interior and outdoor unit are standard components of today's air conditioning systems. The indoor unit houses an evaporator coil, which cools the air as it passes over it, lowering the temperature inside to a suitable level.

Condensation forms on the coil when hot air passes over it. You can compare what's happening to your evaporator coil to the formation of droplets on a cold glass of water.

Condensate drain lines collect moisture as it accumulates and carries it away. Since this pipe exits the house, there shouldn't be any problems with air conditioning seeping inside the house.

There may be occasions when you discover water leaking inside your home from your air conditioner, but there's no need to worry. Let's analyze a few potential causes for this occurrence.

Slow or Blocked Condensate Drain

This is a typical cause of AC water leaks. During the dehumidification process, your device collects moisture that has dirt and debris in it. This can build up and eventually clog the condensate drain line if it is not regularly cleaned. The accumulated water in your unit will eventually cause it to overflow into your home via the drain pan.

If a modern air conditioner senses a clogged condensate pipe, it may automatically shut off. Waterproofing your home with this method is an excellent choice. If your unit does not have this capability, however, you will need to take it upon yourself to implement it.

Low levels of refrigerant

The air conditioner's refrigerant must be refilled correctly. Low refrigerant levels result in a decrease in air conditioner pressure. Because of this, the evaporator coils will freeze, and water will begin to leak inside. Put the necessary refrigerant into the air conditioner at the appropriate times.

Clogged Air Conditioning Filter
If the air filter is unclean or clogged, cool air can't reach the evaporator, and the temperature in the room will drop. A frozen coil indicates that the temperature was too low. Turning off the air conditioner will cause the indoor unit to cease sucking air into the space, causing the area to warm up and the collected ice to melt. Once the drip tray is full of melted ice, water will begin to flow out.

Insulation Damage
Condensation that builds up on your coils should drain away if you have properly insulated them. However, when the insulation around the coil is broken due to cracks or holes, water might leak out instead of flowing through. The end consequence is water seeping from your air conditioner, which might potentially cause harm to your home if you don't catch it in time.

Poor Maintenance
Remember that your air conditioner requires regular servicing just like the rest of your home's appliances. Attempt to clean the device as frequently as possible. If you feel you need assistance, see a professional. The evaporator coil should be examined to guarantee it is not rusted and is functioning correctly. The occurrence of air conditioner leaks due to lack of routine maintenance is a real possibility.

Evaporator Coil Freezes Up
The evaporator coil's useful life eventually runs out. As refrigerant leaks into the unit, the evaporator coils become dirty, and its performance decreases, making it less effective at cooling hot air and improving indoor air quality. If there is no way for the air to warm up, your air conditioner will freeze up and stop working as the temperature drops.

Turning off your air conditioner is the first step in thawing a frozen coil and restoring normal airflow in your home. It's normal for your air conditioner to drop water as it thaws out after a long winter's freeze. Contact a professional to check the device and ensure it is operating properly as soon as possible.

Read more about Frozen AC Coils.

Float Switch or Condensate Pump Failure
Water can back up in your home if your central air conditioner is located in a basement or far-off attic. The condensate pump is crucial for draining the accumulated condensation in this case.

The float switch on the condensate pump activates when the water level in the reservoir rises. The condensate pump is activated, and the water is drained away from your home.

Water will not be pumped outside the unit if the condensate pump is damaged or the float switch is not working properly. Water will eventually gather and begin leaking from your air conditioner.

Installing Incorrectly
Checking the AC installation is important if your unit is new or has recently been serviced. Water leaking commonly results from improper or poorly executed air conditioning installation. Condensate water can leak into the room if there is a space between the unit and the condensate tray or if the drain line is visible. Therefore, take caution when setting up the air conditioner, and address any problems with it promptly.

The Good News Is, You Can Count On Video Chat A Pro To Assist You
With Video Chat a Pro, you can learn how to do it yourself! Licensed professionals can offer HVAC help on home improvement projects you can do independently through video chat. If you need help repairing the water leak in your air conditioner, we're more than happy to help.